Past Performance

Research & Evaluation


The State of Maryland

Contracted Period: (2005-present)

In keeping with our Company Mission and Vision to provide Management Solutions that enhance business performance and nurture companies to perform beyond industry standards, Keller Professional Services has been engaged in Evaluation Research since 2005.

Our work in this area varies in scope, but the end result is to provide useful feedback to our clients and other relevant constituencies in order to aid and influence decision-making.

Type of Survey Study

Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)Youth Tobacco Risk Behavior (YTRBS)

Purpose: To collect data in order to assess risky behavior among middle and high school students attending Maryland Public Schools. Data from the Survey is used to improve Health Education Programming in Maryland Public Schools.

Keller Professional Services (KPS) for this statewide survey is to recruit, staff, and train Data Collectors for the various regions throughout the State of Maryland. KPS Manages the full life-cycle of the YRBS for Baltimore City Public Schools in the following ways:

  • Organize and plan the data collection process
  • Schedule, and administer the Survey in randomly selected high schools,
  • Document and report findings to WESTAT.
  • Serve as the liaison  between the Baltimore City Public School System and the Prime Contractor for the State of Maryland to coordinate survey administration and data collection state-wide.

The Parent Survey

The Parent Survey is a mandated survey by the Maryland State Department of Education as part of State Performance Plans required under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA).  Parents or guardians of children ages 3 to 21 who receive Special Education Services through their local school system are encouraged to participate in the survey.  Parents are surveyed for their input and feedback on the quality of services as it relates to Special Education services in Maryland Public Schools.