A Senior’s Guide to Effective Networking

by Hillary Khan / Homebodyhermit.com

As people get older, they tend to live more solitary lives. For example, once you retire and you’re no longer reporting to work every day, you automatically have less regular social contact built into your daily life. It’s important for seniors to stay active and involved in the community to minimize the risk of loneliness—and related issues like depression. Keller Professional Services invites you to read on for senior-friendly networking tips to help with anything from promoting a business to simply making more friends.


Recognize the benefits of networking for seniors

Networking is important in all kinds of contexts. If you want to promote a nonprofit organization or a business that you’re a part of, networking allows you to strengthen professional connections, get new ideas, and gain feedback on your work. It’s also a way to raise your professional profile. Networking also has benefits for your personal life. Research suggests that a solid social network helps older individuals stay active and maintain mental well-being. This counts whether you’re networking in person or online.


Define your objective for networking and prepare accordingly

If you just want to use networking to meet new friends, make a list of activities you’d like company for. You can then find people who share those interests, whether it’s hiking or crafting. Alternatively, if you want to use networking to promote a business or nonprofit, prepare by making it legitimate. You can register your entity as an S-corporation, which can help save you on taxes since you can claim losses as tax deductions. Be aware that different states have different guidelines for S-corp formation.


Prepare your online profile and in-person pitch before networking

Once you have a goal in mind for your networking, prepare your online and in-person profiles accordingly. For example, if you’re going to promote a business or nonprofit, make sure to set up a professional website. If you’re just trying to meet people socially, think about how you want to introduce yourself and your interests. Whether you’re networking for personal or professional reasons, it helps to prepare an elevator pitch. This is a short spiel you give someone explaining who you are and what you do when you first meet them.


Identify online and in-person networking opportunities

Now that you’re prepared, it’s time to find appropriate networking opportunities to participate in. You can find both personal and professional events in your area using online platforms like Eventbrite. If you struggle with mobility or there aren’t events in your immediate area, consider online networking instead. There are many online networking events available, including ONLE, Female Business Collective, and Unpretentious Networking. You can also simply reach out to people using platforms like LinkedIn or take part in online webinars.

And don’t forget about the continued benefit of staying connected with old friends and acquaintances. You can go all the way back to high school days, and use online resources to find those you’ve lost touch with. You may be surprised to find others who also understand the benefits of this type of “old school” networking!


Nurture your new relationships going forward

Once you start networking, you’ll make new connections quickly. However, this isn’t just a question of meeting as many people as possible. You want to nurture your connections and transform them into meaningful, useful relationships that serve you well. Foot Bridge Company offers pointers on how to nurture a network. For example, you should keep your connections straightforward, be helpful to others, and solicit opinions from other people. You want to ensure that the relationship is a two-way street and that you both benefit.


As you get older, you may find yourself having less regular contact with the world. Maybe the kids have left the nest, or you’re already retired. Networking can help you stay connected and enjoy the company of others, whether you’re using it for professional or personal purposes. Trust the tips above to start your networking journey as a senior.



Keller Professional Services offers premiere workforce and management solutions to address the needs of our business, government, and workforce clients through an array of management consulting services. Connect with us today to learn more!


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